Projects I've worked on:
Dew Tour 'Breck or Bust' Dir: Andy Baker Studio
Mayo Clinic 'This Item Belongs To' Dir: Hannah Jacobs Prod: Strange Beast
Palace - No Other Dir: George Wheeler
Vans CustomCulture Dir: Andy Baker Studio
Kettle Chips Dir: Andy Martin Prod: Passion Animation Studios
Habito 2019 Dir: Andy Baker Prod: Strange Beast
Casper Sleep App Dir: Hannah Jacobs Prod: Strange Beast
Nike Bra Zine Dir: Caitlin McCarthy Prod: Strange Beast
Dew Tour x BOOST Dir: Andy Baker Studio
EQ Office Dir: Hannah Lau Walker Prod: Strange Beast
CRUK Dir: Catherine Prowse
Progressive Insurance Dir: Andy Martin Prod: Passion Animation Studios
Typically Dir: Anna Ginsburg/Caitlin McCarthy Prod: Strange Beast
Dinosaurs in Love Dir: Hannah Jacobs/Katy Wang/Anna Ginsburg
Parenting Under Pressure (5/7/8) Dir: Giulia Frixione (7/8) Dir: Caitlin McCarthy (5)
Honey Nut Cheerios Dir: Caitlin McCarthy & Parallel Teeth Prod: Strange Beast
Starbucks Dir: Andy Martin Prod: Passion Animation Studios
Daisy The Great 'To Be Alive' Dir: Hannah Jacobs
VOW 'The Vow' Dir: Parallel Teeth Prod: Strange Beast
Breast Cancer Now 'A Love Hate Relationship' Dir: Anna Ginsburg Prod: Strange Beast
Headspace: Guide to Meditation Ep 2 Dir: Hannah Jacobs/Lara Lee Prod: Strange Beast
Headspace: Guide to Meditation Ep 6 Dir: Magnus Atom/Yuval Haker Prod: Strange Beast
Headspace: Guide to Sleep Ep 3 Dir: Katy Wang/Gabriel de Bruin Prod: Blink
Inch's Cider Dir: Anna Ginsburg Prod: Strange Beast
Adidas: Legend of SE Dir: Alex Jenkins Prod: Strange Beast
VisaxWise Dir: James Papper Prod: Blink Ink
Your Mountain Is Waiting Dir: Hannah Jacobs Prod: Strange Beast
Water Aid Dir: Ivyy Chen Prod: Strange Beast
'Talk To You' Music Video Dir: Sheetal Thankey